Computing Scientific is an innovation and invention company specialising in Artificial Intelligence, data analytics, and software engineering. We hope you appreciate the minimalist nature of our web site, which is written by Andrew Lea.
On this new web site we intend to publish some of our innovations. Here is the first for now:
This paper describes a wearable device which may help reduce the spread of COVID-19 by helping people learn to not touch their faces. You are most welcome to download and (subject to assuming any legal risk in so doing) use the idea in this paper. We would love to see this idea being put into practice, to help anyone trying to do so, and to hear from anyone who has.
Papers on the fascinating subject of AI:
An overview of artificial intelligence - what it is, and is not; and what it can, and cannot, do.
For formal notifications please write to the address below. For anything else, please re-arrange these words and e-mail that address: "at co dot dot innovations scientific uk".
This web site does not use cookies. We actually care about your privacy, so we don't ask you for any information.
Computing Scientific Ltd is registered in England company no 12139367. It is not VAT registered. Registered office: 1 the Glebe, Lindfield, West Sussex, RH16 2JS.
Last updated: 31st March 2020